Thursday, November 18, 2010

How To Be a Good Host

You plan to invite guests to spend the holidays with you in your house, but you're hesitant what to do. Here's how.

Come up with a list of those you want to invite. Choose guests who you'll get along with and who will get along. If you have friends who you find a bit of a democrat, mix them with the republicans, book-lovers with outdoor adventurers, loner and noisy...remember you're inviting them for the holiday fun talks and food and they know that.

Don't forget to send invitations either by mail, phone, email, or in person. The more formal the event, the more notice you should give. If you are planning for a day at the beach, tell them in advance so they can prepare with their swimming gears.

Plan early. If it’s a Christmas dinner party, set your menu. If you want your guests to give you a hand, inform them in advance. It would be fun for all of you when you know exactly what you are doing. If kids or pets are coming, put away breakables. Always choose foods you can make ahead of time, its a lesser stress.

Oh by the way, if you anticipate a noise level that might annoy your neighbors, invite them! Even if they don’t come, it’s harder to complain about a party you were invited to.

We know that drinks gives zest to any occasion, so put them in your list. Make sure your guests will enjoy the drinks you are serving. Planning ahead provides you ample time to think what to prepare, mix and buy. Use alcohol judiciously. A little might be good to loosen up both you and your guests—but break out the club soda well before the brawling begins.

Relax. Once everyone’s in the room, there’s a limit to what you can do. Let the holiday spirit take its course and try to have some fun...After all it's Christmas!

What if you run out of food!!!
Don't worry, again, if you have made preparations, a good list of holiday meals in a hurry is sure waiting for you.

Enjoy, have fun and happy holidays!

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